Final Mockups

Affinity Diagram

Low-fidelity Sketches of Initial Interaction Ideas

High-fidelity Wireframes

Service Portal Future-state Sitemap
A/B Usability Test

Test A Design vs. Test B Design
In the following scenarios, you are George Olsen, a Manager of a team of six. All requests I am going to ask you to make will require director-approval.
TASK 1 (one employee, one item)
Please show me how you would request a second monitor and a mobili-key for one of your employees, Lily Jones.
Please show me how you would request a second monitor and a mobili-key for one of your employees, Lily Jones.
TASK 2 (two employees, two different items)
You want to request the following for two of your employees:
• A workstation package for Kevin Morris; and
• A Video card for a laptop for Gabriella Ventura.
You want to request the following for two of your employees:
• A workstation package for Kevin Morris; and
• A Video card for a laptop for Gabriella Ventura.
TASK 3 (three employee, same three items)
You have three new employees who are starting soon: Marcus Smith, Theodore Hudson, and Melissa Blake. You need to order each of them a new laptop and all other necessary computer components (keyboard, mouse, docking station, etc.).
You have three new employees who are starting soon: Marcus Smith, Theodore Hudson, and Melissa Blake. You need to order each of them a new laptop and all other necessary computer components (keyboard, mouse, docking station, etc.).
TASK 4 (one employee, one custom item)
You’ve seen a few employees on your floor with headphones and think this would make your work more productive. Show me how you would request a pair of headphones for yourself.
You’ve seen a few employees on your floor with headphones and think this would make your work more productive. Show me how you would request a pair of headphones for yourself.

3 Participants per User Group per Test = 18 Participants Total

Participant Think Aloud Quotes • Qualitative Data
Participant Think Aloud Quotes • Compilation Video

Test Results • Quantitative Data

Usability Issues